General Notices
Learn about surface water rights in OKR, pine beetle mitigation, and controlling the spread of noxious weeds.
OKR association members are encouraged to take preventative measures to control the spread of mountain pine beetle. The number one best preventative measure, per the state forestry department, is tree thinning in order to maintain a healthy forest more resistant to the invasion of the pine beetle. The best time for thinning is in the fall. Other options available to landowners are preventive sprays or pheromone pouches. Tree spraying or the placement of pheromone packets should be done in the spring.
Coalition for the Upper South Platte
For weed control information specific to our area, options, timing, & identification follow this LINK. |
Colorado State University
Covers noxious weeds, and options to control them. Follow this LINK for more information. |
Colorado Department of Agriculture Request-A-Bug
You can request specific insects that can help with the control of invasive species. Follow this LINK to learn more. |